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来源:厦门市中级人民法院 发布时间:2015-08-09 查看次数:6186



一、      起诉应符合下列条件:

1 原告是与本案有直接利害关系的公民、法人和其他组织或符合《民事诉讼法》第五十五条规定的机关和有关组织;

2 有明确的被告;

3 有具体的诉讼请求和事实、理由;

4 属于人民法院受理民事诉讼的范围和受诉人民法院管辖。

二、      厦门中院受理厦门辖区内的下列一审民事案件:













































1 起诉状,并按照被告人数递交副本。诉状要整洁,不得涂改。诉状应经本人亲笔签名或摁拇指印,如系法人或其他组织必须加盖公章。起诉状应当记明下列事项:

(1)        当事人为个人的应注明当事人的姓名、性别、出生年月、民族、职业、工作单位和住所地(指户籍所在地或经常居住地)、联系方式;当事人为法人或其他组织的应注明其名称、住所地(指注册地或主要经营地)和法定代表人或主要负责人的姓名、职务、联系电话、邮政编码。

(2)        诉讼请求和所根据的事实和理由。诉讼请求应具体、明确;事实和理由应围绕诉讼请求阐述,不得有谩骂、辱骂等语言。

2 当事人身份证明材料。

(1)        原告身份证明材料:

Ø 原告是法人或其他组织的,应提供有效的营业执照副本复印件、组织机构代码证复印件、法定代表人身份证明;

Ø 原告是自然人的,应提供有效的居民身份证复印件,并提供原件核对。

(2)        被告身份证明材料:

Ø 被告是法人的,需提供被告企业登记基本信息;

Ø 被告是自然人的,需提供被告住所情况,被告户籍所在地与经常居住地不一致的应提交证明。

(3)        委托代理人的,应同时提交如下委托手续资料:

Ø 授权委托书,写明委托人和受托人的详细信息,授权范围,并由委托人签字或盖章;

Ø 受托人的身份证复印件,律师应提供律师事务所所函及律师证复印件,基层法律服务工作者应提供法律服务工作者执业证;

Ø 受托人为公民的,需提供为当事人近亲属或工作人员的证明或所在社区、单位以及有关社会团体推荐信。

(4)        涉外当事人:当事人身份证明材料及授权委托书须经所在国公证机关公证和我国驻该国使、领馆认证才具有效力。

(5)        涉港、澳当事人:当事人身份证明材料及授权委托书须经司法部认可的港、澳有关律师或机构予以证明并进行公证,才承认其效力。

(6)        涉台当事人:当事人身份证明材料及授权委托书,应有台湾的公证机关证明并经台湾海基会及福建省公证员协会公证,才承认其效力。

3 证据及证据清单,并按照被告人数递交副本。证据清单应写明证据和证据来源及证明的事实、证人姓名和住所地。

Guide on Filing Civil Cases at First Instance

I. The following conditions shall be met when a lawsuit is brought:

1. The plaintiff shall be a citizen, a legal person or other organization or an organ and relevant organization in conformity with the provisions in Article 55 of the Civil Procedure Law that has direct interests in the case;

2. There shall be a specific defendant or defendants;

3. There shall be specific claims, facts and grounds for the suit; and

4. The suit shall be within the scope of acceptance for civil actions by the peoples court and subject to the jurisdiction of the peoples court where the suit is entertained.

II. Xiamen Intermediate People's Court shall have jurisdiction as court of first instance in the following civil cases:

Case Type

Domicile of the Parties Concerned to the Case

Amount of Action

Common Civil Case


Dimicile of each party (habitual residence) is under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province

RMB 30-300 million Yuan

Domicile of one party (habitual residence) is outside Fujian Province or foreign-related, Hong Kong-related or Macao related

RMB 20-100 million Yuan

Taiwan-related Civil & Commercial Case under Centralized Jurisdiction

The dimicile of each party (habitual residence) is under the jurisdiction of Xiamen

RMB 30-100 million Yuan

The domicile of one party (habitual residence) is outside Xiamen City but within Fujian Province

RMB 15-100 million Yuan

The domicile of one party (habitual residence) is outside Fujian Province

RMB 15-50 million Yuan

Foreign-related Civil & Commercial Case under Centralized Jurisdiction

Foreign-related, Hong Kong-related or Macao-related (while Haicang Court shall have jurisdiction over the case under the territorial jurisdiction of Haicang Court and of which the amount of action is under RMB 3 million Yuan)

Less than RMB 50 million Yuan

Taiwan-related case in which the domicile of one party (habitual residence) is outside Xiamen City

RMB 15-20 million Yuan

Intellectual Property Cases

Non-patent Intellectual Property Dispute Case

Under the territorial jurisdiction of Xiamen

Each party locates within Fujian Province

RMB 500 thousand Yuan-200 million Yuan

One party locates outside Fujian Province or foreign-related, Hong Kong-related, Macao-related or Taiwan-related

RMB 500 thousand Yuan-100 million Yuan

Beyond the territorial jurisdiction of Xiamen

Each parties are within Fujian Province

Less than RMB 200 million Yuan

One party locates outside Fujian Province or foreign-related, Hong Kong-related, Macao-related or Taiwan-related

Less than RMB 100 million Yuan

Patent Dispute Case

Each parties are within Fujian Province

Less than RMB 200 million Yuan

One party is outside Fujian Province or foreign-related, Hong Kong-related, Macao-related or Taiwan-related

Less than RMB 100 million Yuan


1. Xiamen Intermediate Peoples Court has jurisdiction over cases on dissolution, liquidation and bankruptcy of companies registered by the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Xiamen City and confirms the dispute cases on the validity of arbitration agreement.

2. Xiamen Intermediate Peoples Court has jurisdiction over patent dispute cases at first instance occurred in the area under jurisdiction of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Longyan.

3. Foreign-related civil & commercial cases mentioned in the above table include: (1) foreign-related contract dispute cases; (2) L/C dispute cases; (3) cases on application for revocation, recognition and enforcement of international arbitration award; (4) cases on reviewing the validity of foreign-related civil & commercial arbitration clauses; (5) cases on application for the recognition and enforcement of civil & commercial judgment and order by a foreign court.

4. Cases on marriage, inheritance, family, property service, personal damage compensation, traffic accident, labor dispute and group dispute are generally under the jurisdiction of subordinate court.

III. Where the plaintiff brings a lawsuit to the court, the following materials

shall be submitted:

1. A statement of complaint, and copies of the statement shall be provided

according to the number of defendants. The statement shall be clean and may not be altered. Personal signature or thumbprint shall be affixed to the statement; in case of legal person or any other organization, the official seal shall be affixed thereto. A statement of complaint shall clearly set forth the following items:

a)    Where the parties concerned are individuals, the name, sex, date of birth, ethnic group, occupation, organization and domicile (registered permanent residence or habitual residence) and contact information of such parties shall be set forth; where the parties concerned are legal persons or any other organizations, their names, domiciles (place of registration or principal place of business) and the name, title, contact number and zip code of the legal representative or the principal shall be set forth.

b)    The claims of the suit, the facts and grounds on which the suit is based. The claims shall be specific and clear; the facts and grounds shall be explained with the focus on the claims, and there shall be no abusive or vituperative language.

2. Identity documents of the parties concerned. 

a)  Identity documents of the plaintiff.

Ø Where the plaintiff is a legal person or any other organization, a copy of valid business license, a copy of organization code certificate as well as identity certificate of the legal representative shall be provided;

Ø Where the plaintiff is a natural person, a copy of valid citizen ID card or passport(where the party is a foreign of oversea Chinese) shall be provided and checked against the original.

b)  Identity documents of the defendant:

Ø Where the defendant is a legal person, the basic registration information of the defendant shall be provided;

Ø Where the defendant is a natural person, his/her domicile information shall be provided, in case there is any inconsistency between the registered permanent residence and the habitual residence of the defendant, relevant proof shall be submitted.

c)    Provided that the lawsuit is filed by an attorney, the following materials concerning authorization procedure shall be submitted at the same time:

Ø Power of Attorney which shall clearly specify the details of both the principal and the attorney as well as the scope of authorization, and shall be signed or sealed by the principal;

Ø A copy of the attorneys ID card. Where the attorney is a lawyer, the letter of the law firm and a copy of lawyer certificate shall be provided, where the attorney is a public legal counsel at the subordinate level, the license qualified by the judicial administrative agency;

Ø Where the attorney is a citizen, a certificate from immediate family or coworker or a letter of recommendation from the community, unit or relevant public organization shall be provided.

d)    Foreign-related party: the identity documents of the party concerned and Power of Attorney will be effective only when they are notarized by the notary office in the country where the party resides and authenticated by Chinese embassy or consulate in the said country.

e)    Hong Kong-related or Macao-related party: the identity documents of the party concerned and Power of Attorney will be recognized as effective only when they are certified and notarized by the related lawyer or organization in Hong Kong or Macao that is appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the P.R.C.

f)    Taiwan-related party: the identity documents of the party concerned and Power of Attorney will be recognized as effective only when they are certified by the notary office in Taiwan and notarized by Taiwan Straits Exchange Foundation and Fujian Provincial Notary Public Association.

3. Evidences and list of evidences, and copies of the same shall be submitted according to the number of defendants. The list of evidences shall specify the evidences and source of evidences, proven facts, and name(s) and domicile(s) of witness(es).






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